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My philosophy

Una idea, un viaje is a unique part of myself. Here you can see a reflection of the way I see life.

On the blog you can find practical information about different destinations. To those I love the most I tend to dedicate long and deep articles. When it comes to Greece, Namibia, Chile or Polynesia, I search not only for providing general data, but for awaking curiosity and interest among my audience.

On social media, the approach is different. I love writing short tales, reflections and stories I have lived. Those, generally, go on my instagram feed, even though you can find some here on the blog too.

I go deep. I like digging to the end of the hole. I don’t believe everything I read and I always contrast information several times.

When I travel I have the need to search for something else than a landscape. Pictures are nothing but empty to me if there is no story behind. I can not go to a place with a beautiful dress and post a picture with a random quote totally lack of content. That is like walking on my toes.

I can only see the real beauty of a place when I go through the end of it. A beautiful mountain is just another beautiful mountain until I find this little something that makes it different and special.

I love anthropology and I believe every place is the way it is because of its inhabitants. So to my it is very important visiting a place and scratch the surface until I get to its roots. Therefore, traveling becomes a commitment to discover every angle of a location until it feels complete.

Here you can find some examples:

In the end Una idea, un viaje is just one of the ways I express myself. Here you can check out my portfolio of other works outside Una idea, un viaje.

Media kit

Below you can find some of my highlighted content. If you want to work or collaborate with me, please, use the contact form.

👉 Click here if you want to check out my online and updated media-kit for more detailed information.

Media kit
Estadísticas Una idea, un viaje 2022

TV interviews, radio and collaborations

  • Presentation of best destinations for Christmas in Aquí Galicia (TVG) (min 24:40). 2019
  • Interviewed by Romanian TV (Digi 24, min 11:11). 2018.
  • TVE (National Spanish TV), full interview (min 07:09). 2020.
  • Recurrent travel section conductor in Quen Anda Aí? (TVG) (min 1:50:40). 2021 – 2022
  • Radio section in Galicia Por Diante (Radio Galega): 2024
Media kit

Radio interviews

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Newspaper interviews

Apariciones en medios unaideaunviaje
Media kit
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Media kit
Media kit
La voz de Galicia

Other interviews

historias mínimas


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Collaborations in media


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Other press and media features

Media kit

Campaings and press trips


  • Founding member of Galicia Travel Bloggers Association: GaliciaTB

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