Última actualización 14/08/2014 por Eva Abal
By now, I guess we’re already pretty famous due to our stories carrying food there where we travel (not always, but quite frequently, if we want to save some money in an expensive country or if there’s this possibility of not knowing if in a certain place the food is going to be f****g spicy).
Kids, in 2011 we were visiting your uncle Jie in Beijing…
There in Beijing the BIG day arrived, the GREAT WALL day. We didn’t want to pay for a tour, so we tried to get there by ourselves. First, at 07:00 am, we caught a public bus that was supposed to go to a village where we could catch another bus… but that village didn’t exist, so we were abandoned in the middle of nowhere, with no buses running to Simatai (the part of the Great Wall we wanted to visit).
[pe2-image src=»http://lh3.ggpht.com/-bFcyWGve8U0/Ulb66rB-AzI/AAAAAAAALNU/NcSBGyZJXj8/s144-c-o/Great-Wall-1.jpg» href=»https://picasaweb.google.com/112478439700983369582/HowITastedLloganissa#5933205444997546802″ caption=»» type=»image» alt=»Great-Wall-1.jpg» ]
So we had people hanging around trying us to bargain for a ride. And that’s what we did. We bargained and we got the five of us plus the driver inside of a five seats car: hell yeah!
By the time we arrived to the entrance, it was already 11:00 am. Then, count that you had to hike, let’s say, for more than an hour to the top of the hill, where the Great Wall is. 40º degrees, 12:00 am. Very hoot. Very thirsty. And kind of hungry.
[pe2-image src=»http://lh4.ggpht.com/-5QiE1udYlG8/Ulb676xWcUI/AAAAAAAALNs/JsX8DYUlC0U/s144-c-o/Great-Wall-2.jpg» href=»https://picasaweb.google.com/112478439700983369582/HowITastedLloganissa#5933205466402681154″ caption=»» type=»image» alt=»Great-Wall-2.jpg» pe2_single_image_size=»w300″ ]
Once on the top, we started to walk along the Wall, up, down, stairs, towers. Amazing place and fantastic views.
[pe2-image src=»http://lh5.ggpht.com/-3PY237kLyII/Ulb67mpATGI/AAAAAAAALNk/YFCsXJVRTKo/s144-c-o/Great-Wall-3.jpg» href=»https://picasaweb.google.com/112478439700983369582/HowITastedLloganissa#5933205460998966370″ caption=»» type=»image» alt=»Great-Wall-3.jpg» pe2_single_image_size=»w300″ ]
[pe2-image src=»http://lh5.ggpht.com/-rEKT4uObdJU/Ulb69QKpRQI/AAAAAAAALN0/6m3my2i0_Bk/s144-c-o/Great-Wall-5.jpg» href=»https://picasaweb.google.com/112478439700983369582/HowITastedLloganissa#5933205489325786370″ caption=»» type=»image» alt=»Great-Wall-5.jpg» ]
[pe2-image src=»http://lh3.ggpht.com/-s-Ba1Jrb7Rk/Ulb68ERwl0I/AAAAAAAALNo/ZhsOcjVYsuM/s144-c-o/Great-Wall-4.jpg» href=»https://picasaweb.google.com/112478439700983369582/HowITastedLloganissa#5933205468954531650″ caption=»» type=»image» alt=»Great-Wall-4.jpg» pe2_single_image_size=»w650″ ]
At 14:00 we were already very hungry. But… oooops! There are no restaurants there. And suddenly, me, the savior (who had heard the laughs the previous days for bringing the llonganissa sausages to China) opened my backpack: Taraaaannnn!!! 2 packages of llonganissa and 6 brioche!!! So the possibility of dying of starvation was discarded ;)
We had a Great Meal at the Great Wall!! :D
With the last slices of llonganissa, we decided to record Jie eating it, cause it was the perfect advertisement spot. And, cause he likes it so much that it was an experience to remember:
And in this, kids, is how I tasted llonganissa at the Great Wall ;)
P.S. I have to say that I paid the price of giving away my precious, cause next 23 days I had no llonganissa, food was f****g spicy and I was mostly fed of white rice :(
Desde 2012 escribo este blog de viajes que se basa en mis propias experiencias. Aunque he viajado por medio mundo, hay destinos con los que estoy casi obsesionada y en los que prácticamente he centrado este blog: Galicia (mi tierra natal), Polinesia, Grecia, Argentina, Namibia y Chile. Hablo de estos lugares con conocimiento profundo y rigor, mostrándolos siempre desde la realidad sin edulcorar y el respeto.
Aunque soy Ingeniera Superior de Telecomunicaciones, no ejerzo desde 2018, momento en el que centré mi trabajo en la escritura de viajes. Soy una persona con muchas inquietudes, por lo que además de escribir este blog, también lo he hecho para revistas como Condé Nast Traveler o el blog de IATI Seguros. En estos años he participado con una sección de viajes en Quen Anda Aí de la Televisión de Galicia y como ponente en diversos eventos, como la V edición de Fairway, el Foro del Camino de Santiago.
En 2020 fui finalista a Mejor Blog Revelación en los Premios IATI y me han entrevistado en múltiples ocasiones, como en este reportaje de mujeres viajeras de El Diario o este otro de La Voz de Galicia que se centra en mi viaje de vuelta al mundo.
Aquí puedes leer más sobre mí, así como consultar mi portfolio y mi media kit.